Long Bio

Shinji & Rebel 47 Japan may not be known as a home for good old honky tonk music, but country-rockers Shinji & Rebel 47 are out to change that with their outlaw country styles, played with maximum barroom swagger and instrumental virtuosity. Shinji & Rebel 47 was formed in 2007 by Shinji Segawa on lead vocals and grandboard (a twelve-stringed electric stick developed by himself), and Foomy Koyasu on fiddle. The band spent several years playing clubs in Tokyo, and eventually caught the ear of Americans who asked them to their venues. Shinji Segawa and Foomy Koyasu, both known as funk and rock bass players, developed an interest in country and folk music after reading Bob Dylan’s “Chronicles”. While singing and playing bass in 2007, Shinji caught tonsilitis, and his wife Foomy joined in (by which time they were both playing as a funky bass instrumental duo). Ever since, they have been playing together, but started playing grandboard and fiddle extensively. They also discovered that the rather unorthodox combination of these two instruments require a rather orthodox sound. Accompanied by drummers, keyboard, guitar and steel players, they developed old time country-style sounds. After the earthquake hit Japan in March 2011, Shinji and Foomy began listening to “Theme Time Radio Hour” hosted by Bob Dylan, and became inspired by Luke the Drifter, George Jones, Lefty Frizzell, Johnny Paycheck and Merle Haggard, not to mention Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson and Willie Nelson, which they thought was the type of music Japan needed. Since 2013, they have been touring throughout Japan, which leads to their Band name origin that is synonymous for “The Outlaws Riding The 47 Prefectures Of Japan”. Depending on the venue, the size of their band members varies from two to seven. In a small bar, they play duo, or as a trio (usually drums or guitar). Augmented by keyboards, pedal-steel, and guitars, they play in larger venues.

Songs:As its members each have their own groups where they write songs, all songs are hits by outside writers such as: Roy Acuff/Fred Rose, June Carter, Johnny Cash, Lefty Frizell, Merle Haggard, Harlan Howard, Ray Wylie Hubbard, Mick Jagger/Keith Richards, Waylon Jennings, George Jones, Kris Kristofferson, John Lennon, Roger Miller, Willie Nelson, Johnny Paycheck, Robbie Robertson, Jimmie Rodgers, Billy Joe Shaver, Ernest Tubb, Jerry Jeff Walker, Hank Williams, Hank WilliamsJr, Hank WilliamsIII, Bob Wills, Dwight Yoakam, Townes Van Zandt, etc.

Personal History

Foomy Koyasu, born May 9, 1964, is a Japanese bassist, and fiddler. She is known as the one of the first female bassists in Japan. Her bass style incorporates a wide variety of influences, including funk, soul, jazz, hip hop, reggae and rock. Her fiddle style is primarily bluegrass, Western swing, and country. With her husband Shinji, she has formed the band “Rebel 47” . She has been credited for having sparked the outlaw movement in Japan. Foomy was born in Tokyo, Japan, to philosophy professor Nobukuni and literature professor mother Michiko. She was raised in Munich, Germany, where she attended Waldorf School and Maxmiliam University. She studied violin at age five and at age fifteen she started playing bass with several blues, R&B, and rock bands in Europe, America and Japan. While playing bass for an American country artist (as the opening act for Connie Smith and Marty Stewart), she discovered the country fiddle. She met her singer and bassist husband, Shinji Segawa, through their primary instrument, the bass, and they formed a band where he would sing country & western so she could play fiddle.

Segawa Shinji, born June 13, 1975, is a Japanese bassist, singer, and grandboard player. He is an acclaimed recording artist, producer and song-writer, but mostly known as one of the finest bass players in Japan. He is the founder of the grandboard, a twelve-stringed tapping stick that he uses while singing. Shinji was born in Sapporo, Hokkaido, to carpenter father Nobuo and a loving mother Ume. Being an avid Queen fan, he took up bass two years after the loss of Freddy Mercury. He was able to get work in the local music industry of his hometown of Sapporo. He undertook a teaching position in the bass department of the Entertainment Business Academy. Later he taught at the bass department and music department of Kuma Harada, a bass player living in England. After coming to Tokyo, he was a B.I.T teacher at the Musicians Institute Japan, while pursuing his own independent music career. He recorded a bass duo with the legendary bassist Jerry Jemmott. He picked up Chapman Stick in 2005, and in 2016 he started developing his own tapping string instrument named “Grandboard”. His bass heroes are Larry Graham, Jaco Pastorius, and John Deacon. On the grandboard, he plays bass, and simulates Telecaster, clavinet and pedal-steel. His motto is: Drinking like Jones, smoking like Willie, thinking like Kris, preaching like Cash, playing like Merle, singing Waylon.

1984ミュンヘン・シュタイナー学校卒 アビトゥーア取得・ラテン語検定・慶応大






1985中公新書 「私のミュンヘン日記」


1988ドイツ・サーカス音楽団Ron Caliで演奏

1988-1988 NHKテレビ 「ドイツ語講座」でレギュラー出演


1990学陽書房 「ミュンヘン・ライヴ」

1991フレーベル館 母とのリレーエッセイ 「菜多沙」


1991 サドウスキー主催「マーカス・ミラー・ワークショップ」取材等司会/通訳


石橋楽器主催「ベース・クリニック」 講師

1992 ミューズ音楽院非常勤講義

1993ソニー・ミュージック 「T.Utu&The Band武道館Live」

1993宇都宮隆T.Utu&The Band全国ツアー


1993日本武道館 NKホール他

1995リットー・ミュージック刊 「ベーシストの全知識」


1996長野オリンピック オープニング出演


1996音楽の友社 「いつもいつも音楽があった」


2000ミレニアムコンサート (米国大使館 カナダ大使館 アメリカン・クラブ他)

2002リットー・ミュージック刊 「ハッピーシングルふんぞり返る」

2003リットー・ミュージック刊 「ベーシストの全知識」

2006リットー・ミュージック刊 「見たまんまベースライン」→見るTV・ビデオ

2008リットー・ミュージック刊 「スーパー・ファンキー・ベースコース」DVD

2010 NHK -BS2日のメロディー音楽の女神

現在 ベースとフィドルとマンドリンの演奏と ドイツ語と英語の翻訳と通訳と 海外アーティストの取材と記事執筆と 好きなアーティストの伝記の翻訳をしつつ ベースと英語とドイツ語を教えている

共演 宇都宮隆 瀬川信二 是永晃一 高橋誠 樋口昌典 ベイブ・ハンナ ジョニー・ジョンソン

アレックス・イーズリー ケラッブ・ジェームス 他

Bass Career

15歳でギター師匠のハコバンHonkers Ltdでベースのトラを頼まれ、耳コピでベースを始めた。


21歳でグラムロック・バンドGang Bang加入。それもそこそこ注目を浴びる。


帰国後、レストラン、バー等でハコバンの経験を経て T.UTU&バンドのツアーに参加するが、日本の音楽シーンに幻滅して米軍基地とアメリカのハコバンでR&B,ソウル、ファンク、カントリー&ウェスタン、ロックの仕事をする。




Fumi „Foomy“ Koyasu (*9. Mai 1964 in Tokio) ist eine japanische Bassistin, Fiddlespielerin, Musikpädagogin, Musikjournalistin und Autorin. Sie wird als japanische „Pioneer of female bassists“ bezeichnet, beeinflusste die japanischen Bassisten, und als Fiddlespielerin gilt sie als eine Vorreiterin der japanischen Outlaw-Country-Szene. Zusammen mit ihrem Mann Shinji Segawa (Bassist, Sänger, Instrumentenhersteller, Produzent) leitet sie ein Heimstudio, wo sie Musik spielt, programmiert, aufnimmt, mischt und unterrichtet. Persönliche Daten Foomy wurde als Tochter der Germanistikprofessorin Michiko Koyasu und des Japanologieprofessors Nobukuni Koyasu 1964 in Tokio geboren. Ihre Eltern zogen aus Berufsgründen im Jahre 1971 nach München, wo Foomy den Großteil ihrer Jugendzeit verbrachte. Sie wollte ursprünglich Violinistin werden, doch erhielt sie mehr Auftrittsaufträge als E-Bassistin. Später spielte sie Bass bei einigen Bands in Amerika und wurde dadurch zum Country-Fiddle angeregt. Seit 2011 spielt sie Fiddle mit ihrem Mann Shinji Segawa.

Musikalische Laufbahn

1969 Klavier, Solfeggio und Geigenstudium bei Prof. Ryosaku Kubota Musikhochschule Toho

1971 Geigen- und Solfeggiostudium bei Prof. Jean Laurent Musikhochschule München 1975 Gehörbildungstudium bei Akemi Kuroyanagi
1976 Geigenstudium bei Yuzuko Horigome
1977 Geigenstudium bei Prof. Kurt Christian Stier Musikhochschule München
1978 Teilnahme an “Jugend Musiziert”
1979 Gitarrenstudium und Teilnahme an diversen Bands als Bassistin
1982 Konzertmeisterin im Oberstufenorchester an der Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Schwabing
1988 Mitgliedschaft im Bluestrio Jonathan Kalb Band 1989 Teilnahme an “Ron Cali” 1992 Musikunterricht an der Musikfachhochschule Muse Ongakuin Tokyo
1993 Tournee bzw. Fernsehauftritte mit Takashi Utsunomiya
1995 Tourneen, Video und Studioaufnahmen mit u.a. R.B. Stone
2010 Fernsehauftritte im NHK auf dem E-Bass und auf dem Kontrabass
2011 Gründung einer privaten Musikschule bzw. eines Heimstudios

1971 Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Schwabing
1973 Deutsche Schule Tokyo
1976 Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Schwabing
1984 Abitur, Latinum am Gisela Gymnasium München
1984 Kunstgeschichte an der Keio Universität
1985 Anglistik, Komperatistik, DAF an der Ludwig Maxmiliam Universität

Foomy spricht Deutsch, Japanisch und Englisch.